A few articles that deal with the most common greyhound health questions:
(Note: These links will open a new browser window and are pages from articles published in our newletter Paws and Tails.
When to Call Your Vet
Greyhound Blood Tests – The Differences
Periodontal Disease
Using Oxyfresh for Good Teeth & Breath
Ticks & Fleas
Tick Fever
Pemphigus – those funky toes
Healthy Greyhound Nails
Force Feeding Your Greyhound
Valley Fever – the Arizona disease
Holiday Safety
We have also compiled some veterinary resources and pharmacies for better pricing on prescription drugs.
Please don’t hesitate to call us at (602) 971-6935 if you have any questions and we’ll try to get the answers for you. Or you can e-mail info@arizonaadoptagreyhound.org.