
This page holds lots of references to greyhound resources of all kinds. It is constantly changing so you might want to check back from time to time for new things.

Various Greyhound Resources: A great source for racing records and pedigree information.

Greyhound-L a mailing list, where you can ask questions of and read suggestions and stories by Greyhounds owners around the nation

Other Greyhound Adoption Groups:

– Just in case you ever have to contact someone out of state.
Adopt A Greyhound offers a wide range of information on retired racing Greyhounds as well as many links to other sites and information about Greyhound rescue groups. They are also the publishers of CG Magazine & the Celebrating Greyhounds Annual Calendar.

The Greyhound Gang serves the Utah area and is also host for the annual Greyhound Gathering in Kanab.

Greyhound Pets of America – A national organization with chapters in many states. Many of the chapters have their own web sites.